BRAISED CABBAGE FOOD-AS-MEDICINE The anti-inflammatory effects of cabbage come from it being rich in Vitamin C and also containing polyphenols. These compounds help by deactivating oxidized molecules in the body, which are known to cause damage and inflammation to cells. The fiber in cabbage helps sequester excess cholesterol in the bowel and lower LDL levels.…


SPAGHETTI SQUASH CASSEROLE FOOD-AS-MEDICINE: Volumetrics is the focus on eating foods that are high in nutrients and volume but low in calories. These foods yield satisfaction while promoting weight loss. Cup for cup, swapping out pasta for spaghetti squash saves over 180 calories and provides less than 1/3 of the carbohydrates. Using non-starchy vegetables such as spaghetti squash…


SWEET POTATO CASSEROLE FOOD-AS-MEDICINE:   Sweet potatoes are an under appreciated treatment for inflammation and cancer. Being rich in beta-carotene, a compound that is converted to Vitamin A within the body, this vegetable can help decrease your risk for cancer. Sweet potatoes are also good sources of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, potassium, iron, manganese and…


CURRIED PUMPKIN SOUP PUMPKIN IS A SUPER FOOD! Just 1 cup of cooked pumpkin offers 200% your daily needed vitamin A in the form that best protects your vision. The soluble fiber and zinc in pumpkin play a role for blood sugar and insulin regulation while the phytosterols in the seeds aid in lowering your…