Are YOU addicted to food?

ARE YOU ADDICTED TO FOOD? Food cravings often are the result of underlying physiological imbalances. Scientific evidence has shown that even short-term pharmacological abuse or chemical dependency can change levels of neurotransmitters in the body resulting in loss of memory recall, insomnia, mood swings, agitation, anxiety, depression, anger, fear, and food like addictions or cravings.…


IMPROVING YOUR DIGESTION! Nutritional deficiencies, behavioral conditions such as ADHD, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer can be due to imbalanced nutrition and/or improper digestive function. The American diet plays a dual role in digestive concerns. Many of the foods offered are processed, acidic, and void of necessary nutrients leading to deficiency and sub-optimal functionality…


DETOX DIET BASICS Your body has the natural ability to rid itself of toxins and waste; however, most of our systems are overwhelmed with far more toxins than the body can get rid of. Excess toxins and waste in the body can lead to depression, lack of energy, skin conditions, weight gain, joint pain, headaches,…