Grassfed Beef and Butternut Squash Chili

GRASSFED BEEF AND BUTTERNUT SQUASH CHILI FOOD AS MEDICINE: Grassfed beef is rich in anti-inflammatory and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and CLAs (conjugated linoleic acids) and is free from added hormones and antibiotics found in conventionally raised animal products. For meats, eggs and dairy there are significant nutritional differences in pastured animal products resulting in increased…

Gut Restoring Bone Broth

GUT RESTORING BONE BROTH: FOOD AS MEDICINE: Chicken Soup has long been promoted as a “cure” for the common cold and University of Nebraska researchers validate that claim. They tested 13 brands, they found that all but one (chicken-flavored ramen noodles) blocked the migration of inflammatory white blood cells. Cold symptoms result from an accumulation of…

Chicken Tikka Masala

CHICKEN TIKKA MASALA Food as Medicine: Turmeric is one of most powerful anti-tumorgenic spices on the planet, helping to starve off blood supply to tumors and inhibiting their growth. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is what gives curry its yellow color and is a very strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound! Ingredients: For the marinade: 2 lbs…


NATURAL ANTIBACTERIAL FOODS Antibiotic resistance bacteria is on the rise and the CDC’s own director refers to these drug-resistant strains as “nightmare bacteria.” The World Health Organization released a statement late last year, predicting the end of modern medicine as we know it, and a time when “common infections will once again kill” noting a prediction…

Carrot Puree Dip

CARROT PUREE DIP FOOD AS MEDICINE: The health benefits of carrots are numerous, but they are best known for their antioxidant qualities. Beta-carotene is compound found in orange-yellow fleshed produce that has a wide-range of disease fighting qualities. Other varieties of carrots, like cosmic carrots and rainbow carrots, have plant pigment based compounds in addition…