ketosis testimonial

Ketosis Testimonial

KETOSIS TESTIMONIAL The ketogenic diet can be used to successfully alter a patient’s metabolism, burn fat, tame cravings, and treat or prevent chronic disease. In our practice, we have experienced extreme changes in patients who participated in our group. Here is a ketosis testimonial from one of our Ketosis Weight Loss Group participants: “I learned how…


Simple Dressed Avocado Recipe

SIMPLE DRESSED AVOCADO RECIPE FOOD AS MEDICINE:  A fun take on Tex-Mex flavor profiles provides support for metabolism and detox. The avocado contributes B vitamins and fatty acids that aid to manage stress response and reduce excess cortisol stress hormone, while the spice and zing of onions aid to boost metabolism and detoxification. This is…

Matcha Keto Tea

MATCHA KETO TEA RECIPE FOOD AS MEDICINE: Check out our blog on Matcha! This recipe uses the ideas of bullet-proof coffee combining MCT oils and CLAs from butter to boost metabolism and fat burn on the body while sustaining the release of caffeine into the blood stream. INGREDIENTS: 2 tsp coconut oil 1 tsp grassfed butter…


BRAISED CABBAGE FOOD-AS-MEDICINE The anti-inflammatory effects of cabbage come from it being rich in Vitamin C and also containing polyphenols. These compounds help by deactivating oxidized molecules in the body, which are known to cause damage and inflammation to cells. The fiber in cabbage helps sequester excess cholesterol in the bowel and lower LDL levels.…