Therapeutic Repair

INFLAMMATION & AUTOIMMUNE Any condition with an -itis is an inflammatory issue, such as arthritis and gastritis, as well as most conditions involving pain, swelling, and lack of function. When the body is inflamed it goes into defense mode which shuts down or throws off many regulatory functions of the body including metabolism. As if…

Inner Balance

MOOD & HORMONES Feeling out of sorts, anxious and wired, stressed and tired, or low and irritable are all not ways to thrive in your body. Whether you are on medication and looking for complementary therapy or you are looking to wean off or never start, nutritional supplementation and a quality focused diet can have…

Metabolic Reset

WEIGHT LOSS & KETO Weight loss is not as simple as calories in calories out, you are a complex chemistry equation, not a simple calculator! In my functional approach, I will provide access for you to look at root causes of your stubborn metabolism. If your body’s metabolism is sluggish, the first place to check…

Start Here

START HERE I am so glad you made it here! Maybe you read The Anti-Anxiety Diet, heard me as a guest on your favorite podcast or met me at a conference. How ever you got here I want to help you Get Started Now! I understand that it has been quite a journey to get…